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Sun 1st Dec SE106 504 / LS29 0EG   8mls B

NOT Beamsley Beacon but near !!, Meet lay bye on

Harding’s Lane, Ling Park, Middleton, near cattle grid

and trig point for 10.00 start

Judith Dawson     07561 855 871

       This walk was originally scheduled for the 20th November 

Wed 4th Dec SE284 603 / HG3 3AX  8mls B     

Meet and Park Ripley Castle CP for a walk to

Shaw Mills and much more 10.30am   

Paul Mc Nicholas      07787 966 268

Sun 8th Dec SE131 390 / BD17 5EA   8mls B

Local walk, meet Bracken Hall, Baildon 10.30

Sue & Steve Matthews   07932 636 946

This walk has been rescheduled for Sunday 10th November and currently is now a Free Date

Wed 11thDec SE 033 354 / BD22 9JW   7mls B

Nab Hill, trig point, meet Oxenhope Rail Station car park

for a moorland walk 10.00am start

Judith Dawson   07561 855 871

Sun 15th Dec SE247 432 /LS16 9AZ   8mls B

Meet & Park Old Lane Bramhope in car park

by pub & tennis court. Prize for best

Xmas hat, and or cracker joke. 10.30

Russ & Jill Bunyan 07581 458 895

Wed 18th Dec   SE157 399 / BD17 6RS not to far

Meet Baildon Cricket Club car park for Walk with Sue and Dave, then back to their home

for impromptu mince pie & sherry 10.30

Sue & David Brewer     07974 125 695

Rescheduled from  Dec 4th & NOW CANCELLED

Sun 22nd Dec SE009 459 / BD20 9BB   7 mls B  

Kildwick meet & Park roadside on old Skipton Road.

Walk to Bradley over moor top 10.30.                                   

 Kind invitation to refreshment at the end

Fran Pickard      07742 152 830

Wednesday 25th Merry Christmas to you all.

Sun 29thDec SE186 537 / LS21 2NP  8 mls B

Swinsty Annual round, meet main CP with WC

Long and Short options, meet for 10.00am start

Carol Heaps    07591 629 972




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